Islamic May After All Be No Crime,But Some Islams The Problem

     The word Islamic is a religion which its faithfuls Islams believe in. It is a religion articulated by Quran, a text considered by its adherents as the verbatim word of God (Allah). Islams are the world's  second largest religion on Earth and the fastest growing major religion in the 21st century. Statistics shows that Islams made up over 30-40%  the worlds  population with over 2.7 million followers.

 Islams or muslims like you can see above has vast number of followers and are thus the problem of the world today if you ask many, such impression is but a wrong impression in my opinion irrespective of the more harm Muslims has caused the World at large. They are human like every other person's around and if u have interacted with some of the good ones you would believe that it is only the large number of them who are bad that makes things bad for other. Like Christians, which also have the bad ones among them, likewise the good Christians.

 The problem with this world today is not the word Islams but the bad adherents of Islamic faith. From the words of the Quran, it shows they all believe in God which they translate in their own language as Allah and they believe that Islam is the original complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed many times before through prophets like Adam, Noah,  Abraham, Moses  and Jesus. With this in mind, it is a solid truth that they believe in God and Jesus Christ.

The problem therein is "How had they believe in God and has become the world problems today" ?   The answer is simple, the world is corrupt and the people in the world are also corrupt, corruption in the Muslim cycles is high and is such that their leaders do misled them now and then and has continued to have their followers into doing wrong. The majority who indeed took to the teachings of their bad leaders, even with such, not all Muslims are bad, some of them are against what their brothers are doing and so should be excluded in the condemnation of Muslims.

Muslim faithfuls need serious orientation about how to stay away from the bad teachings of their bad leaders who has been and remains the problem with Muslims, discriminating against Muslims would be bad but fighting against the bad Muslims would be the best way to solve the problem in the world today. I am a pure Christian and is if bitter experience about how the bad Islams had harmed the world, with proper orientation as I said, some of the bad infiltrations  of Muslims will be converted back to normal and have them behave well  and can mingle with others  closely. The problem is ...Will Muslims agree to such orientations and who will supper head the orientation to have them back to normal...?


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