Inborn Error Of Metabolism and What You Should Know.

Inborn error of metabolism are genetic disorder which are rare but does in real life occur, it is a disorder in which the body cannot convert the intake foods into useful energy the body needed to remain active and healthy. The pictures above shows two babies of which the one at the left shows inborn error abnormalities while that at the right is a healthy and normal baby. Inborn error disorders are usually caused by defect in specific protein/enzymes that help in the break down if ingested and digested foods. In the absence of these enzymes, food products are not properly broken down into energy and will build up in the body to cause series of abnormalities such development delay due to poor feeding and lethargy, and may lead to sepsis. Others include persistence vomiting, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, jaundice as seen above, hepatomegaly, abnormal body structures as thus above, etc Metabolic inborn err...