How A woman Can Control Man In Relationships yet The Man Remains Happy.
Ladies take note! Every lady like to love and be loved as well, women who lack true love always find it difficult to cope than men, for this reason, women should be given love always.But it must be clear to every woman some minor roles they will have to play in other to have their love right in their palms and have it controlled with ease. Below are some important tips to have your man the way you want him be both in marriages or relationships.
1.Try to understand why you are involved in the relationship or marriage as this will help You chose the kind of man you will accept.
2.Show real but true love to your partner from time to time even when he seems not to respond, this will make him think about you often and will force him to change as men are known to remember good gesture when they are a lone.
3.Follw your mind while choosing who to be in love with, do not love because of money or material things, research have it that men do not really love women who are money and material oriented as they will have the lady for a short while and then dump her.
4.Try to be your real self when you are into any relationship, do not hide your personality in other to gain favour and be loved. Such will bring problems when the man eventually know your true personality,but if he loves you the way you are from on set, then he will have to understand you even more as the relationship moves on.
5.Do not talk too much even when you are not happy as this has been the problem with most women. If your anger will make you react much such as shouting at him and more, keep you anger off by trying to remember the good times between you and him, when finally you have calmed down...... you can go over to talk it out with him with good tone in a respectful manner.
6.Always treat your partner the exact way you would want him to treat you:Love,Care,Respect,Value and more. By so doing, you'll win his heart and have him in your control.
7.Tell him how important he is to you and of which he should always take care of himself for you, this gives him sense of belonging as he will remember You and that statement when ever he has/have encounter which requires care,in this manner your love is assured as a woman.
8.Spend much quality time with him so as to know him inside out and be able to know when he's happy or sad. This will make you share his moments with him, men like it when you support then in hard time either through words or other forms.
9.Share your likes and dislikes with him, trying also to know his likes and dislikes as this will help build a perfect relationship.
10.Do not jump into relationships when you are not 18 years and above, even when you are 18,you need be ready to be involved in relationship as it takes more than being 18 years of age. Being ready will help build you for the tasks involved in relationship, you will build you mind set being trying to have full control of all you do and so will be ready to accept failures at any point in time.
1.Try to understand why you are involved in the relationship or marriage as this will help You chose the kind of man you will accept.
2.Show real but true love to your partner from time to time even when he seems not to respond, this will make him think about you often and will force him to change as men are known to remember good gesture when they are a lone.
3.Follw your mind while choosing who to be in love with, do not love because of money or material things, research have it that men do not really love women who are money and material oriented as they will have the lady for a short while and then dump her.
4.Try to be your real self when you are into any relationship, do not hide your personality in other to gain favour and be loved. Such will bring problems when the man eventually know your true personality,but if he loves you the way you are from on set, then he will have to understand you even more as the relationship moves on.
5.Do not talk too much even when you are not happy as this has been the problem with most women. If your anger will make you react much such as shouting at him and more, keep you anger off by trying to remember the good times between you and him, when finally you have calmed down...... you can go over to talk it out with him with good tone in a respectful manner.
6.Always treat your partner the exact way you would want him to treat you:Love,Care,Respect,Value and more. By so doing, you'll win his heart and have him in your control.
7.Tell him how important he is to you and of which he should always take care of himself for you, this gives him sense of belonging as he will remember You and that statement when ever he has/have encounter which requires care,in this manner your love is assured as a woman.
8.Spend much quality time with him so as to know him inside out and be able to know when he's happy or sad. This will make you share his moments with him, men like it when you support then in hard time either through words or other forms.
9.Share your likes and dislikes with him, trying also to know his likes and dislikes as this will help build a perfect relationship.
10.Do not jump into relationships when you are not 18 years and above, even when you are 18,you need be ready to be involved in relationship as it takes more than being 18 years of age. Being ready will help build you for the tasks involved in relationship, you will build you mind set being trying to have full control of all you do and so will be ready to accept failures at any point in time.