How To Make Your New Year Resolutions and Stick To It.
New Year resolutions is one of those things everybody does at the beginning of each year stating things one will do and other which they will stay away from. It has never been easy for anybody to make a new Year resolution and keep it in the latter stages of that year, of course we all make one or more resolutions and fails to keep up with it irrespective of who is involved. Some good tips which has worked for many people and me are what I will share with you guys now,follow the tips up with good faith and you be happy by the half quarter of the year.The tips are as thus below:
- Pray to God for his guidance and protections because we are all mere mortals and cannot do things all with our power.
- Make reservations that you really know you can deal with effectively,for example.... telling yourself I will not smoke in 2017 when you know you always think of smoke and the impact you think smoke brings to you.
- Distance yourself from old friends who do those things you have choosed not to involve in again.
- Make new friends who you have seen doing those things you have made up your mind doing. As a student, you can choose to only go to people who are intelligent and reads their books very well.
- Do not go back at any point in time to think about those things you wish to stop, see those things after your resolutions as things fighting against you.
- Make your mind set open and be ready to take up new life .
- Develop passion and zeal on your choosed new life style.
- Do not procrastinate on doing those good things you have chosen on nor on those you have opt to stay away from.